"מפעל הזוהר העולמי" - שע"י "חברה מזכי הרבים העולמי"
מיסודו של הגה"צ רבי שלום יהודה גראס כ"ק מרן אדמו"ר מהאלמין שליט"א
"MIFAL HAZOHAR Hoilumi" - C\o CHEVREH MAzakei Harabim Hoilumi
Under The Supervision Of Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross
The Head Of The Rabbinical Court Of Holmin
קהל האלמין -
רחוב נחל לכיש 24/8 - רמת בית שמש 99093 - ארץ ישראל
Cong. Of Holmin - Nachal Lachish 24/8
Beth Shemesh 99093, Israel
“In the merit of this work (the Book of the Zohar) of yours (Says Moshe Rabbeinu to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai), And because the Jews in the future will taste from the Tree of Life which is this Sefer ha Zohar, [The Jews] will be redeemed from exile with compassion” The Zohar ha Kaddosh (3, 124b) |
תיקוני זהר ל (דף עג/ב)
TIKKUNE ZOHAR TIKKUN 30 And even all those that occupy themselves in the Torah, all the kindness that they do, they do for themselves…Woe to those who cause him [The Mashiach] to leave from the world and don’t come, and they are those who cause the Torah to be deserted and do not wish to occupy themselves with the Wisdom of the Kabbalah, for they cause the spring of wisdom to depart…
תיקוני זהר מג (דף פב/א)
TIKKUNE ZOHAR TIKKUN 43 “…And it is the same regarding he who causes that The Kabbalah and the wisdom be separated from the TORAH SHE BEAL PE [The oral Torah] and from the TORAH SHE BICHTAV [The written Torah]. And he causes that none will occupy themselves with them [The Kabbalah and the wisdom]. And people like him say that there is nothing more than the Pshat in the Torah and in the Talmud. For certain, he is just like the one who eliminates the flowing waters from that river and that Garden. Woe to him, it would have been better for him if he had not been created in the world, and that he would not learn the TORAH SHE BICHTAV and the TORAH SHE BE AL PE. For it is counted to him as if he had returned the world to the state of TOHU BA BOCHU. And he causes poverty in the world and he prolongs the GALUT…” Tikkune Zohar Tikkun 43 |
THE LANGUAGE OF THE ZOHAR PURIFIES THE SOUL One who does not merit to understand The Zohar, he should nevertheless learn, because the language of the Zohar purifies the soul (Ohr Tzaddikim by Rav Meir Papirash a student of the Ari ha Kadosh, siman A, 16) HOW THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH PURIFIES THE SOUL? To explain how the Zohar purifies the soul even when the reader doesn’t understand what he says, we have the example of he who enters a perfume store, even if he doesn’t buy any perfume, when he leaves the store, he has the smell attached to him (Degel Machane Ephraim to the Likutim, 5) THE ONE WITH LITTLE TIME TO STUDY SHOULD STUDY THE ZOHAR A person who is involved most of the day in his business dealings will dedicate most of his study to the Zohar ha Kaddosh, even if he doesn’t understand, because even so it is of great benefit to him (Short sayings of the Alter Rebbe 571) A REMEDY AGAINST HERESY AND EVIL O that my people would listen to me, in this evil generation when heresy increases, It is proper to learn the Zohar and the Tikkunim with children nine years of age so that their fear of Hashem will precede their wisdom and will be maintained (Notzer Chessed on Massechet Avot, Perek 4) A GREAT CORRECTION TO THE SHECHINA It is necessary to read in the Sefer ha Zohar even when he does not know what it says, because it is a great correction to the Shechina and to his own soul as it is known for various reasons. (Tikkun Leil Shavuot Le ha Ramaz at the end of the Sefer Tov ha Aretz of the Moharnash) HA KADDOSH BARUCH RECTIFIES THE WORDS OF HE WHO STUDIES He who studies the Zohar, even when he doesn’t understand what comes out of his mouth, Ha Kaddosh Baruch rectifies his words…And even when he is like an animal that does not know how to read, even with all this, his reward will be double and there is an insinuation in the verse (Tehillim) “Man and beast Hashem saves” where the Gematria of the words TOSHIA HASHEM (Saves Hashem) plus the letters plus the 2 words themselves equals the sum of the following: ZOHAR TIKKUNIM BE DIKDUK TZACH (TZADDI CHET – TZE CHASHOV) (Hakdamat of the Editor of the Zohar edition printed in Livorno) THE STUDY OF THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH IS MORE ELEVATED THAN ANY OTHER STUDY The study of the Sefer ha Zohar is more elevated than any other study, even if he doesn’t know what he is saying and even if he makes mistakes. And it is a great Tikkun for the Neshama, because even though the Torah is composed of names of the Holy One Blessed be He, it is nevertheless clothed in many stories, and when the person reads, he understands the stories and puts his mind on the simple meaning of those stories, but the sefer Ha Zohar has the secrets revealed, and the reader knows that they are secrets and the occult parts of the Torah, only that he does not understand because of the depth of the subject and the shortness of his understanding (The Chida, More Ba Etzba Siman 44) A SEGULAH TO PURIFY THE NESHAMA One should learn Sifre Kabbalah, and when he does not understand he should learn the Zohar and the Tikkunim for they are a Segula to purify the Neshama Siddur ha Arizal of Rabbi Yaakov Kapil
THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH CAUSES THE HEART TO FLARE UP And the main point is that when your soul will cling to the books that deal with Yirat Hashem, that you thereby will realize at every moment the great debt you owe to the Creator of all worlds, and in particular through the sefer ha Zohar which is the most important of all, and it will cause your heart to flare up in flames of fire, the Sefer ha Zohar is the key Sefer Sur me Ra ve Ase Tov
THROUGH THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH YOU WILL BECOME PURE Once our Rabbi asked one of his important students, why he doesn’t learn the Zohar ha Kaddosh and the Tikkunim and the writings of the Ari ha Kaddosh and the student answered with a broken heart: “Rabbi: What can I do? In order for this holy study we need greater Keddusha and purity, and I do not possess these, and how can I approach the Kodesh ha Kodashim to study this?” The Rabbi then answered: “If you are not yet Kaddosh and Tahor [Holy and pure] Go out and learn this holy study and cling to it, and through this you will sanctify and purify yourself, for it is impossible in these generations to comprehend anything without this study (Introduction to Sefer Tzvi LaTzaddik)
IN THE MERIT OF THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH THE JEWS WILL COME OUT OF EXILE If he is meritorious to wake up before dawn, he should then study Sefer ha Zohar for in its merit the Jews will come out of Exile which resembles the night and even though he has not the merit to understand it, even so he shall learn the language for it purifies the soul Siddur Shaar ha Shamaim Seder Limud shel ha Kodmim A TIKKUN FOR THE BAAL TESHUVAH The study of the Sefer ha Zohar is a Tikkun for the Baal Teshuvah (Shivche ha Arizal)
WHY THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH IS MORE ELEVATED THAN OTHER STUDIES And this is the answer that I gave to one person who asked me about what the students of the Ari ha kaddosh wrote, that the study of the Zohar ha Kaddosh is a great Tikkun to illuminate and sanctify the soul. And the Ari HaKaddosh gave this Tikkun for the Baal Teshuvah, to say five pages of the Zohar or the Tikkunim every day even if he doesn’t know what he is saying, for this reading is effective in illuminating and refining the soul, for precisely this study has a Segulah more so than any other study, more than the study of the Mishna, Talmud and Mikra. And this person said that it was incredible that this study has more power than any other area of the Torah, whether Mikra or Mishna. And I answered and said: You must know that without a doubt all study in the Holy Torah is very elevated and awesome, and especially if the study is done LISHMA [Without ulterior motives and with the proper intention] in truth, it is for sure that this study builds worlds in the heavens and effects Tikkunim above. Nevertheless the greatness of the study of the Zohar ha kaddosh lies in the fact that when we study Mikra or Mishna or Talmud, they are greatly enclothed in physical terms, and the secrets are not readily discernible. Not so with the Zohar ha kaddosh, which speaks of the secrets of the Torah in an open way, and even the simplest reader recognizes the fact that it is talking about deep secrets. And because these secrets of the Torah are exposed and revealed without any vestments, they illuminate and shine upon the soul, and even though the secrets are very deep and the words are somehow occult, that it will be hard to know and understand these secrets, and only a great Chacham is capable of understanding them fully, even so the secrets are exposed and these things do their effect in their root above The Chida, Shem ha Gedolim Maarechet Sefarim Beit
OBLIGATION ON ALL JEWS TO STUDY It is a great obligation incumbent on all Israel to study the Zohar ha kaddosh every single day, even when it is said without understanding, for this build worlds and he purifies and sanctifies his soul and there is no limit to the greatness of his reward because through this he brings redemption closer and brings great pleasure to His Creator…Therefore everybody should at least study five pages per day of the Zohar ha Kaddosh Tzavaat Rav Meir Schwartz mi Faidhotz
NEED TO OCCUPY OURSELVES WITH If the person does not occupy himself with the 4 levels of Torah study: PESHAT REMEZ DERASH SOD [PARDES- Simple meaning, allusion, Homiletical level, and the secrets of the Torah] he is missing the Mitzvah of Talmud Torah which is great and is equivalent to all other Mitzvot in the Torah, and this person has to reincarnate until he will occupy himself with the four levels PARDES . Kitve Ari ha Kaddosh, Shaar ha Mitzvot Alef EVEN IF YOU MAKE MISTAKES YOUR STUDY IS VERY ELEVATED The study of the Sefer ha Zohar is higher than any other study, even when one does not understand what he says, and even when one makes mistakes, and it is a great Tikkun for the soul and to be deserving of the pleasantness of Hashem and it is also a cure for the sins and transgressions of the soul. Therefore our Master the Ari ha Kaddosh gave this Tikkun for the Baal Teshuvah, to say five pages of the Zohar or the Tikkunim every day More ba Etzba Letter Mem Dalet TO AVOID BEING TESTED FROM ABOVE And in any generation he who occupies himself with this wisdom does not require to be tested from above, for whoever does this, his soul clings to Hashem Yitbarach and at all times he sacrifices his soul to Hashem Ytbarach with a strong love Hosafot Mahartza Letter 8 THE SEFER HA ZOHAR IS FULL OF MUSSAR The Sefer ha Zohar is full of MUSSAR, and every letter comprises great Tikkunim to the Neshama in order to correct Gilgulim [Reincarnations] Notzar Chessed Perek 4 RABBI CHAYIM VITAL NEEDED TO CORRECT HIS PREVIOUS DISBELIEF IN THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH My Master the Ari ha Kaddosh said to me that because in one reincarnation of mine I was one of those who did not believe in the wisdom of the Sefer ha Zohar, this is then the main thing that I have to repair in this reincarnation. He also told me that because of that same reason I can not now raise many challenges to what is written in the Zohar until I will learn with him for a period of time known to him, and then I will have permission to challenge and ask questions regarding anything that I wish to clarify and to know in the Zohar ha Kaddosh Rabbenu Chayyim Vital ZTK’L in Shaar ha Gilgulim EVEN REGARDING HE KNOWS NOTHING THE ZOHAR IS A GREAT TIKKUN FOR THE NESHAMA It is true and accepted that regarding he who knows nothing, the language of the Zohar is a Segula to purify the Neshama, nevertheless, this applies to one whose understanding is limited and can not comprehend, but regarding someone who Hashem has given him understanding in the revealed parts of the Torah, surely Hashem will help him in order to also understand the sweetness of the hidden wisdom Hosafot ha Mahartza le Sefer Sur me ra va Ase Tov HOW GREAT IS THE OBLIGATION OF A TALMID CHACHAM TO STUDY THE KABBALAH How great is the obligation of a Talmid Chacham to study the Kabbalah and how great is their punishment if they do not study the kabbalah and cause the exile to be lengthened, for they delay the redemption, Hashem save us, for he will do in one hour of Kabbalah study what he won’t achieve in 30 days with the study of the Pshat Kisse ha Melech Tikkun 30 WHEN THE MIND IS BLOCKED IT IS GOOD TO STUDY THE ZOHAR HA KADDOSH And this is an awesome advice for all types of suffering, G-d forbid, and loss of Emunah and small mindedness, when feeling like this you should study light things like the Ein Yaakov, the Midrash, or you should say the Zohar and the Tikkunim and also to study the Gemara even without understanding, and all this is an awesome advice to rise up from all types of falls and not like fools who claim that one should not study at times when we feel down, when our heart is not with us, and it is known of many stories where simple people merited great things by acting thus Noam ha levavot Maamar Limud ha Torah THE ZOHAR HA KADOSH IS LIKE NOACH’S ARK This work is like Noach’s ark (Tikkune Zohar Chadash 72) the meaning is this: That this work called Sefer ha Zohar is like Noach’s Ark, in which there were many species, and there was no chance of survival to those species and all families unless they entered the Ark, it is just the same regarding the Galut… because through the Galut all the Tzaddikim become damaged, and the darkening of their illumination is more bitter than death, and in order to maintain themselves, so that the Galut will not rule over them, they have the secret of this work just like Noach’s ark, to repair the damage of the blow of the Galut and the waters of the flood that darken.., And then the light of the Shechina will shine somewhat and enclothe the Tzaddikim, Therefore the Tzaddikim will enter the light of this work in order to be maintained. And thus the Segulah of this work lies in the fact that as soon as one occupies himself with it with desire, the love for Hashem will penetrate him as the rock shatters iron, and will penetrate in him in order to save his Nefesh his Ruach and his Neshama and will repair him. And even if the person is a RASHA [Evildoer] there is nothing to worry if he enters [Studying the Zohar] for his entering is not really so. For one of two things will happen: Or that he will return in Teshuvah and will be a Tzaddik and will enter there, or it will push him away completely and he will separate himself from it, just as it happened regarding Noach’s ark which pushed away the Reshaim and those who had sinned among the beasts and the cattle. Or Yakar le Rabbi Moshe Cordovero Shaar Alef Siman 8
IS IMPORTANT TO STUDY THE ZOHAR HA “From the year 1540 onward, it is most important that all study the Kabbalah in public and preoccupy themselves with the study of Kabbalah. For through the merit of Kabbalah and in fact solely through Kabbalah will the Mashiach appear and forever efface war, destruction, social injustice, and above all, man inhumanity”. Rabbi Avraham Azulai, Or ha Chama, Introduction |
The study of the book of the Zohar is a great help to purify and to bring sanctity to the soul. And even if one doesn’t know what he’s saying and makes many mistakes while reading, it is of great importance to the Holy One Blessed Be He. And we see that in regards to the study of the Mishna there are many opinions that say that one must understand what he is studying, but when reading Tehillim (Book of Psalms) or the Zohar even if one doesn’t understand anything at all, it is important and received and desired by The Holy One Blessed Be He… (PELE YOETZ, ZOHAR) |
One who does not merit to understand The Zohar, he should nevertheless learn, because the language of the Zohar purifies the soul (Ohr Tzaddikim by Rav Meir Papirash a student of the Ari ha Kadosh, siman A, 16) One who occupies himself with the study of the Zohar brings closer the redemption and brings great pleasure to the Holy one Blessed Be He (Mikdash Melech to the Tikune Zohar) To explain how the Zohar purifies the soul even when the reader doesn’t understand what he says, we have the example of he who enters a perfume store, even if he doesn’t buy any perfume, when he leaves the store, he has the smell attached to him (Degel Machane Ephraim to the Likutim, 5) |
And our Rab (The Vilna Gaon) writes very often that the redemption depends on the study of the TORAT HA KABBALAH and through this, slowly will be revealed the TORAH OF MASHIACH which is the TORAH of ERETZ ISRAEL. According to the secret: "And the gold of that Land is good" (Kol ha Tor I:11) The GRA urges greatly on the MItzvah Keddosha of studying TORAT HA NISTAR and that through the merit of this Mitzvah the Geula is brought closer (Introduction to the commentary of the GRA on Sifra Ditzniuta by Rabbi Chayim Mi Volozhin) |
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One who is involved most of the day in his business dealings will dedicate most of his study to the Zohar ha Kaddosh, even if he doesn’t understand, because even so, it is of great benefit to him (Short sayings of the Alter Rebbe 571) |
The study of Zohar is extremely beneficial. Through studying the Zohar, you can attain enthusiasm for all your sacred studies. The very language of the Zohar is so holy, it can motivate you to serve G-d. The Zohar uses most forceful expressions in speaking about our duty toward G-d. When speaking of a person who does good, the Zohar says 'Zakah ...Worthy is he!' On the other hand, it cries out against a sinner, 'Vai!... Woe! Woe is to him! Woe is to the soul who strays from serving G-d!' Reading such expressions can greatly influence you to serve G-d. When he used it in the Zohar, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai made the Aramaic Targum Language so holy that even other things written in this language have the power to arouse a person toward G-d. (Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom 108-109) |
WITHOUT THE STUDY OF THE ZOHAR, THE PNIMIUT HA TORAH, THE REST OF OUR STUDY WILL BECOME A POTION OF DEATH, G-D FORBID Thus it is Pnimiut HaTorah which is the Tree of Life, which is the revelation of G-dliness, which leads to 'a perfect heart,' i.e., the love and fear [of G-d] which is the essence of our occupation with the Torah and its mitzvos. For this reason, the essence of Pnimiut HaTorah was revealed in these later generations. Thus Tanya, Iggeres HaKodesh, Epistle 26, quotes the AriZal as stating that it is in these later generations that it is permitted - and indeed, it is a mitzvah - to reveal this wisdom. For in the earlier generations, this was not necessary. They were totally righteous men [whose souls] stemmed from high [spiritual] rungs. Because of the tremendous power of their souls, they possessed genuine love and fear [of G-d] and studied the Torah lishmah. [To attain these levels] they did not require the revelation of Pnimiut HaTorah. [Therefore these teachings were hidden, for] 'It is the glory of G-d to conceal a matter. In [these] later generations, by contrast, the souls do not stem from such high rungs, and [the spiritual potential of our] hearts has diminished. RABBI SHALOM DOV BER MI LUBAVITCH ZTK’L KUNTRES ETZ CHAYYIM |
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and see the works of Hashem: an amazing revelation
concerning the mystery of the greatness of the G-dly Tanna Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai gave assurances that through him the Torah would not be forgotten from the Jewish people. As our Sages teach (Shabbat 138b): When our rabbis entered the yeshivah in Yavneh, they said, "The Torah will one day be forgotten by the Jews”. But Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai said that it would not be forgotten, as is written (Deuteronomy 31:21), "It will not be forgotten from the mouth of his offspring." [LO TISHACHACH MI PI ZARO] And, as is explained in the Zohar (3, 124b): “Because of this work, the Book of the Zohar, [the Jews] will be redeemed from exile”. So now come, see and understand the hidden wonders of our holy Torah. This is why Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai based himself on this verse: "It will not be forgotten from the mouth of his offspring." For, in truth, this mystery is hinted at and concealed in this very verse. Through the offspring of Yochai, this being Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai [Rashby], the Torah will not be forgotten by the Jews. This is because the final letters of the words in this verse "ki loA tishakhach mipiy zar'O" are the same letters as YOChAi. This is what the verse hints to and reveals: "it will not be forgotten from the mouth of his offspring"-specifically "from the mouth of his offspring." That is, "from the mouth of the offspring" of the one who is himself alluded to and hidden in this verse, this being the sage Yochai. Because of the offspring of Yochai, who is hinted at in the final letters of the words in this verse-this being Rashby-the Torah will not be forgotten; for with this Zohar they will be redeemed from exile. And know! the mystery of Rabbi Shimon himself is alluded to in another verse.' Know that the holy sage Rabbi Shimon corresponds to (Daniel 4:10): "Ir Vkaddish Min Shemaya Nachit (An angel, a holy one, descended from heaven)"-the first letters of which are SHIMON..... Likute Moharan, Hakdama |
ONE HOUR OF THE STUDY OF ZOHAR IS THE EQUIVALENT OF THIRTY DAYS OF THE STUDY OF THE PLAIN MEANING OF TORAH Our Holy Master Rabbi Chayim Vital, may his merit shield us, in the introduction to the book Etz Chayim, warned the students of the Torah, those who listen to the Word of G-d, the great obligation they have to study the hidden Torah [Kabbalah], and the great punishment for neglecting its study, because one hour of this study does the same as thirty days of the study of Pshat (plain meaning of the Torah) (Kise Melech on Tikune Zohar 30, 73b) |
“In the merit of this work (the Book of the Zohar) of yours (Says Moshe Rabbeinu to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai), And because the Jews in the future will taste from the Tree of Life which is this Sefer ha Zohar, [The Jews] will be redeemed from exile with compassion” The Zohar ha Kaddosh (3, 124b) |
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– הדף הזה
באמצע העבודה –
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