מאגר הספרים העולמי
מאגר הספרים העולמי # 454
The World Books Library # 454
מצוה אנציקלופדיה - Mitzvah Encyclopedia
The Laws of Kashrus
מיסודו של הגה"צ רבי שלום יהודה גראס, כ"ק מרן אדמו"ר מהאלמין שליט"א
Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical court of Holmin
לקבלת "קובץ ספרים בעניני כשרות" 16 כרכים בחינם: - לרבנים, מנקרים, שוחטים, בודקים, ומנקרים, וכוללים,
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למנהל "חברה מזכי הרבים העולמי" הרב אברהם ווייס,
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The World Library Of Hebrew
Mitzvah Encyclopedia
ספרים ומחברים
The Twin Towers Kosher Meat? The secret is out THE
Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of
Holmin, Shlita
Kosher Food violations cited at Kosher Law hearings: Jewish Press article reporting on the meeting of the Twin Towers regarding violations of Kashrut in New York State Schedule for Meeting at Twin Towers Orthodox Rabbi against abortion: Article on the Jewish Press 1981, reporting on a Rabbi that opposed the pro abortion views of others Warning of Agudat ha Rabbonim: Abuses are rampant in the field of hechsherim. Some steal the hechsherim of others State Law to protect Kosher consumers: New law requiring Kosher certification information to be posted publicly Forbidden fats appearing in our plates: Report from the Jewish Press from 1983 Critique of Tibor Stern: Answers to Tibor Sterns claims regarding the proper Kashrut process for meats produced in slaughter houses under his supervision New Jerseys largest dairy mislabels product for Passover: September 11, 1987 Request for transcripts of Twin Tower meetings: From 1989 and addressed to NY agric. Dept. Jewish Press editorial: From Nov 25 1988 and referring to the meeting at the Twin Towers New Eruv completed in Mt Vernon: In Westchester County New York the Eruv is completed Government list of approved slaughterhouse: From Department of agriculture Introduction to the Twin Towers meeting by Dept of Agric advisor Gerry Feldhamer The double edge sword: Kashrut in America is risky business Announcement concerning the sanctity of the synagogue. Fraudulent Kosher label Law bill passes the legislature Kashrut supervision: Very insightful analysis into what goes on the field of supervision. Article appeared on the Jewish Press. Written by Rabbi Yaakov Lipschutz Part 4 of Kashrut supervision article Kosher violations: An explanation of New York State Law regarding Kosher violations. Amendment to New Jersey Kosher enforcement law making it harder to commit fraud. Year 1988 Letter to the Editor regarding the high prices of Kosher foods as exposed by the Kosher food price watch. Appeared in Panim Chadashot Handwritten notes taken at the Twin Towers meeting regarding Kashrut problems Report on the Governors conference on Kosher food NY Dept of Agriculture Circular 811 Sale of Kosher meat and foods Brochure NY State against fraud in Kosher foods Recommendations by Rabbi Shimon Eider of Lakewood, NJ for the improvement of Kosher enforcement given at the Twin Tower meetings Testimony of David Hamm on behalf of the Agudath Israel of America at the Twin Tower Meetings Testimony of citizen Finman: There is something rotten in Kashrut, a man with extensive experience in the Kashrut business testifies against those involved Testimony of Murray Katz, President of Kosher Empire at the Twin Towers meeting Various Documents relating to the meeting at the Twin Towers, November 1988 Testimony of Rabbi Moshe Heisler, Director of Associated Communal Kashrus Organization Letter of Rabbi Harold Sharfman head of Kosher Overseers Association of America sent to the Dept of Agriculture and Markets Letter from Chof K to Felise Gross regarding Kashrut legislation Testimony of Menachem Lubinsky, specialist in Kosher markets at public hearings of the Twin Towers Testimony of Rabbi Avraham Marmorstein before the New York State Dept. of Agriculture, the meeting at the Twin Towers Testimony of Kosher food advisory council members of Joe Regenstein and Micheline Ratzersdorfer Testimony of New York State consumer protection board, submitted by Richard m Kessel, Executive Director, before the public hearings at the Twin Towers Statement of Pathmark supermarkets before the NY Kosher food advisory board, November 17, 1988 at the Twin Towers, New York City Testimony of the American Federation of Retail Kosher butchers before the Kosher food council at the Twin Tower meeting Notes taken from testimonies given at the Twin Towers meetings Testimony of president of Kosher consulting firm which organizes Trade shows, before the hearings at the Twin Towers. Letter of Hebrew National to some Rabbis regarding authority of Rabbi Tibor Stern Responsa of Rabbi T Stern regarding processes of Kashering in slaughterhouses Comments on the beard and the book of Wiener from an article that appeared in the Jewish Press Fortress in Anglo Jewry : The story of the Machzike ha Dat community in London and its fight to maintain proper observance of Hashem's Laws in the midst of evil people. |
Forbidden fats appearing in our meats: Rabbis in Israel
denounce the improper methods used in America and Rabbi Moshe
Feinstein defends those methods for he had been told that
everything in America is OK and he believed it
Opinions on the Eruv in large cities and especially in Brooklyn New York by Rabbi Director SHLITA refuting the position of those who want to uproot the Mitzvah of Eruv from Jewish life, and refuting those who come to wrong Torah judgments for they innovate based on their own understanding and don't bother to look at what our Holy Rabbis have ruled regarding the matter of Eruvim in large cities Dvar Torah Kislev 5761 Adar 5761 Essays Adar 5761 Tevet 5763 Shvat 5763 from Woodburne Elul 5761 a Elul 5761 b Elul 5762 October 2003 Cheshvan 5763 Av 5763 Eruv in Caracas Venezuela: Map of the Eruv established in the city of Caracas Venezuela for the benefit of the Sephardic community that lives in the area Explanations of the Laws of Eruv: For members of the sephardic community of Brooklyn New York. This eruv received the approval of Rabbi Ovadya Yosef and Rabbi Shalom Messas The Origins of the Eruv in Brooklyn: A brief history of the Eruv for the use of the Sephardic coomunity in Brooklyn, New York. Teshuvah of Rabbi Ovadya Yosef Shlita regarding the Eruv in Brooklyn NEw York for the sephardic community Letter of Rabbi Yechezkel Roth supporting Rabbi Ben Tzion Wosner Shlita as an authority in the field of Eruvin Completion of the Eruv in Mt Vernon, New York after two and a half years of work On false Messianism: Refutations against the position of the Lubavitch cult regarding the Messiah. From the words of the rebbe: here you will see that all the confusion with the Rebbe being the Messiah is all his own doing therefore he can be classified as a false Messiah, Moshiach Sheker, that comes to make people sin and not as they say that he comes to turn many to the right path To honor and to fear: Regarding the laws of honoring and fearing parents as brought by the Troah and the Sages so that sons will learn the proper way and the proper behavior regarding this most important Mitzvah. Iggeret ha Gra: La carta que el santo Gaon de Vilna Rabbi Eliyahu ZTKL le envi a su familia y donde les instruye como conducirse de acuerdo con la voluntad de Hashem The Attack on Kosher Meat: How Rabbi Moshe Heinemann chief Rabbi of the EREV RAV and the STAR K works day after day to make Jews stumble on the sin of forbidden foods especially NEVELOT AND TEREFOT The Antisemite became so in the butcher Shops: Read this small article that appeared in the New York TImes and have in mind what the Talmud say: The best butcher is partner of Amalek Kiddushin 82a History of taref meat: From 1931 in the New York Times on allegations that most of the meat sold as kosher is really not Kosher. So nothing new is what we see in our days Terrible conditions in slaughterhouses New York Times 1906 Three companies quit the Kosher business: After years of selling Taref meat as Kosher they finally decide to stop cheating people Strike in support of Shochtim: The owners of the slaughterhouses are always trying to increase production at the expense of Kashrut standards. From the New York Times 1939 A bitter cry for the Shochet who after having been removed for slaughtering iwtha defective knife was reinstated in his position soon after the incident Young Israel president calls for Kashrut disclosure following the incident where many so called Kosher products had as an ingredient non Kosher wine vinegar The scandal of fake Kosher slaughterhouses: Read and see the scam that goes on at the largest meat producers who feed most of the Jewish people in America, with Satmer at their head. The myth of Chasidische Shechita being better in America.- By Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of Holmin, Shlita The problem of worms in New York water supply from the new York Times. The problems of modern food industry where many ingredients are not kosher and the consumer does not have a clue about them. Article in the New York Times Letter regarding the book The City of Cracow and the problems of modern Shechita Letter from Mead Johnson admitting that there is pork ingredients in Similac which is used as infant formula Document requesting information regarding number of cows slaughtered The struggle for Jewish existence: The fights and works of the Rebbe of Holmin to defend the proper observance of Judaism in our times Announcement against speaking in the synagogue Announcement 2 against speaking in the synagogue Announcement against the Ketubah of the Conservative movement by the Agudath ha Rabbonim Lies of The Star K regarding the plant of Windom, Minnesota where the President of Star K claims that the plant had business issues with one of the Rabbis. Now when they need to break the laws of the Torah, they call it business issue. Kosher consumer Nissan 5759 Learn of problems withRubashkin and with Star K. The best butcher is a partner of Amalek Prayer to be recited before consuming any meat, if you are crazy enough to get into the doubt of a prohibition that carries the penalty of karet. Questions regarding the kashrut of unsupervised milk and all the pitfalls that occur in its production that can render it non Kosher Announcement regarding the Eruv: The many pitfalls that are avoided by having a Kosher Eruv in a city where Jews live The Book of Mishle The Book of Proverbs written by King Shlomo may his merit protect us in english translation The origin of the controversy of the Eruv in Brooklyn Why does Satmer oppose the Eruv? Did you know it has nothing to do nwoth Torah and everything to do with business? Rabbi Glick request info: Regarding an idolatrous temple in India, He needs more information to see if he can permit the wigs in the same ways he permits Mikvahs that are not Kosher Selected Laws of Pessach:- By Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of Holmin, Shlita Psak Din in english: The heresy against the Holy One Blessed be He in english The Dispute of the Ramban: The famous argument in Spain in the 13TH Century between the Ramban and the Christians. Read it and you will learn how easily you can refute the claims of the Rebbe by yourself. Introduction to the book Shevet Mussar written by the Holy Rabbi Eliyahu ha Kohen from Izmir Telegram from Rav Brezel advising Jews to stop eating meat Collections of several newspaper articles relating to Kashrut in english Proper practices regarding Tzeddaka How to give your money wisely Words of encouragement to those brave women who with self sacrifice follow the laws of Tzniut Announcement on the proper observance of Tzniut for women Announcement regarding Tzenius: 14 Mitzvot are transgressed every time a woman goes out with improper clothing Small questionnaire for Bakeries regarding ingredients used Warning regarding the terrible effects of non Kosher foods Warning to the good and decent daughters of Israel |
המשך אות א
Sefer |
Author |
Publication |
הנושא |
עמודים |
דפוס |
הנושא |
מחבר |
שם הספר
המשוחדים המלוכלכים ראשי הערב רב |
בירור הלכה על העופות |
8 |
נ"י, שבט תשמ"ג |
א עצה צו ווערן פטור פון אידישע צרות |
בית דין צדק |
Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of Holmin, Shlita | הגה"צ רבי שלום יהודה גראס אבדק"ק האלמין שליט"א | אכילת מצות בישראל | ||||||
Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of Holmin, Shlita |
242 | ברוקלין תשל"ח | אלפי הלכות בכל מלאכת אפיית המצות | הגה"צ רבי שלום יהודה גראס, אבדק"ק האלמין | אפיית המצות השלם חלק ב' | |||
VAAD HAKASHRUS Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical court of Holmin |
ברוקלין נ"י |
מאות מכתבים מהמשרדים הממשלתיים |
הגה"צ רבי שלום יהודה גראס, אבדק"ק האלמין |
Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of Holmin, Shlita |
ברוקלין, פעברואר 26 988' |
אוכלים בשר בחלב בהשגחת התאחדות הרבנים |
אלגעמיינער זשורנאל |
VAAD HAKASHRUS Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical court of Holmin |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה |
וועד הכשרות מהגה"צ רבי שלום יהודה גראס אבדק"ק האלמין שליט"א. |
Rabbi Sholom Yehuda Gross, the head of the Rabbinical Court of Holmin, Shlita |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה |
" | ||||
" |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה |
" | ||||
" |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק ד' | ||||
" |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק ה' | ||||
" |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק ו' | ||||
" |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק ז' | ||||
" |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק ח' | ||||
" |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק ט' | ||||
" |
ברוקלין, |
בירור בדין כשרות הבשר בזמן הזה | " | אכילת בשר הלכה למעשה חלק י' | ||||
44 |
מאנסי נ"י |
דינים וסדר תפילות לברכת אילנות הנהוגים בימי ניסן | הרב שלמה יודא שווייצער | אילנא דחי' | ||||
36 |
ברוקלין |
על עניני עניית אמן | אמונים נוצר ה' | |||||
בודאפעסט, |
קדושת ארץ ישראל |
ישכר שלמה טייכטאהל מלפנים אב"ד בודאפעסט |
ירושלים, תשנ"ח |
קדושת ארץ ישראל |
ישכר שלמה טייכטאהל מלפנים אב"ד בודאפעסט |
מעלת וקדושת ארץ ישראל |
מוהר"ן מטשעהרין זצ"ל |
ארץ הקודש | ||||||
283 | ברוקלין תשנ"ט | מוסר | הגה"צ רבי מנשה קליין האדמו"ר מאונגוואר שליט"א | אורחת חיים להרא"ש ז"ל עם דרך ישרה משנה הלכות ואגרת התשובה לרבינו יונה | ||||
קול קורא בענין דיני תורה |
סאטמאר, באבוב, בעלז, וויזניץ, קלויזנבורג, סטאלין |
157 |
ירושלים, |
דיני ומנהגי ארץ ישראל |
רבי יחיאל מיכל טוקצינסקי זצ"ל |
ארץ ישראל – בשני
חלקים |
הכנתו לנסיעתו לארץ ישראל |
רבינו הקדוש בעל החפץ חיים זצ"ל |
מאגר הספרים העולמי
פתי יאמין לכל דבר!!!
www.Holmin613.com |
הכשרות העולמי![]() ![]() דפי ועד הכשרות העולמי כל עניני כשרות לפי סדר א-ב |
Remove your neveilos and treifos and chailev and blood, and you not kosher tefillin and mezuzot what is written from Arab Klaf (Hamas) and from companies without a Hescher and Jewish companies without a Hescher from the Rabbanim. The same like people who are arrested want to remove the arrest from the world. Of you want to see what arrest is meaning, see here. If you are eating treif, you are never going to take this from your body, the same like someone is arrested in jail. |
דברי תוכחה אלו מיועד לכל ארגוני וועד הכשרות למיניהם, רבני ושליחי חב"ד בכל העולם כולו, כל הרבנים משגיחים, ועוד.UNITED STATES and CANADA California Igud Hakashrus of Los Angeles (Kehillah Kosher) Rabbi Avraham Teichman (323) 935-8383 186 North Citrus Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90036 Vaad Hakashrus of Northern California 510-843-8223 2520 Warring St. Berkeley, CA 94704 Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) Rabbi Nissim Davidi (213) 489-8080 617 South Olive St. #515, Los Angeles, CA 90014 Colorado Scroll K Vaad Hakashrus of Denver Rabbi Moshe Heisler (303) 595-9349 1350 Vrain St. Denver, CO 80204 District of Columbia Vaad HaRabanim of Greater Washington Rabbi Binyamin Sanders 518-489-1530 7826 Eastern Ave. NW, Suite LL8 Washington DC 20012 Florida Kosher Miami Vaad HaKashrus of Miami-Dade Rabbi Mordechai Fried Rabbi Manish Spitz (786) 390-6620 PO Box 403225 Miami, FL 33140 Florida K and Florida Kashrus Services Rabbi Sholom B. Dubov (407) 644-2500 642 Green Meadow Ave. Maitland, FL 32751 South Palm Beach Vaad (ORB) Rabbi Pesach Weitz (305) 206-1524 5840 Sterling Rd. #256 Hollywood, FL 33021 Georgia Atlanta Kashrus Commission Rabbi Reuven Stein (404) 634-4063 1855 La Vista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 Illinois Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) Rabbi Sholem Fishbane www.crcweb.org (773) 465-3900 2701 W. Howard, Chicago, IL 60645 Midwest Kosher Rabbi Yehoshua H. Eichenstein Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Goldzweig 773-761-4878 Indiana Indianapolis Beth Din Rabbi Avraham Grossbaum Rabbi Shlomo Crandall (317) 251-5573 1037 Golf Lane Indianapolis, IN 46260 Iowa Iowa “Chai-K” Kosher Supervision Rabbi Yossi Jacobson (515) 277-1718 943 Cummins Pkwy Des Moines, IA 50312 A Service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council - Serving the World Back to Top Kentucky Louisville Vaad Hakashrut 502-459-1770 PO Box 5362 Louisville, KY 40205 Louisiana Louisiana Kashrut Committee Rabbi Nemes 504-957-4986 PO Box 55606 Metairie, LA 70055 Maryland Star-K Kosher Certification (chalav Yisrael) Dr. Avram Pollack (410) 484-4110 122 Slade Ave. #300 Baltimore, MD 21208 Star-D Certification (non-chalav Yisrael) Dr. Avram Pollack (410) 484-4110 122 Slade Ave. #300 Baltimore, MD 21208 Massachusetts New England Kashrus LeMehadrin 617-789-4343 75 Wallingford, MA 02135 Vaad Hakashrus of Worcester 508-799-2659 822 Pleasant St. Worcester, MA 01602 Rabbi Dovid Moskovitz (617) 734-5359 46 Embassy Road Brighton, MA 02135 Michigan Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit (Merkaz) Rabbi Yosef Dov Krupnik (248) 559-5005 16947 West Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075 Minnesota United Mehadrin Kosher (UMK) Note: unless the meat states that it is glatt, it is certified not-glatt by the UMK. The cRc only accepts Glatt Kosher meats. Rabbi Asher Zeilingold (651) 690-2137 1001 Prior Ave. South St. Paul, MN 55116 Missouri Vaad Hoeir of Saint Louis (314) 569-2770 4 Millstone Campus St. Louis, MO 63146 New Jersey Badatz Mehadrin -USA 732-363-7979 1140 Forest Ave. Lakewood, NJ 08701 Double U Kashrus Badatz Mehadrin USA Rabbi Y. Shain (732) 363-7979 1140 Forest Ave. Lakewood, NJ 08701 Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger (732) 364-8723 170 Sunset Rd. Lakewood, NJ 08701 Kashrus Council of Lakewood N.J. Rabbi Avrohom Weisner (732) 901-1888 750 Forest Ave. #66 Lakewood, NJ 08701 Kof-K Kosher Supervision Rabbi Zecharia Senter (201) 837-0500 201 The Plaza Teaneck, NJ 07666 Rabbinical Council of Bergen County 201-287-9292 PO Box 1233 Teaneck, NJ 07666 New York-Bronx Rabbi Zevulun Charlop (718) 365-6810 100 E. Mosholu Parkway South Bronx, NY 10458 New York-Brooklyn Rabbi Yechiel Babad (Tartikover Rav) (718) 951-0952/3 5207-19th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11204 Central Rabbinical Congress (Hisachdus HaRabanim) Rabbi Yitzchak Glick (718) 384-6765 85 Division Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211 Rabbi Yisroel Gornish 718-376-3755 1421 Avenue O Brooklyn, NY 11230 Rabbi Nussen Naftoli Horowitz Rabbi Benzion Halberstam (718) 234-9514 1712-57th St. Brooklyn, NY 11204 Kehilah Kashrus (Flatbush Community Kashrus Organization) Rabbi Zechariah Adler (718) 951-0481 1294 E. 8th St. Brooklyn, NY 11230 The Organized Kashrus Laboratories (OK) Rabbi Don Yoel Levy (718) 756-7500 391 Troy Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Rabbi Avraham Kleinman Margaretten Rav 718-851-0848 1324 54th St. Brooklyn, NY 11219 Debraciner Rav Rabbi Shlomo Stern (718) 853–9623 1641 56th St. Brooklyn, NY 11204 Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum (Nirbater Rav) (718) 851-1221 1617 46th St., Brooklyn, NY 11204 Rabbi Nuchem Efraim Teitelbaum (Volver Rav) (718) 436-4685 58085-11th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Bais Din of Crown Heights Vaad HaKashrus Rabbi Yossi Brook (718) 604-2500 512 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Vaad Hakashrus Mishmeres L'Mishmeres 718-680-0642 1157 42nd. St. Brooklyn, NY 11219 Kehal Machzikei Hadas of Belz 718-854-3711 4303 15th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11219 Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush Rabbi Meir Goldberg (718) 951-8585 1575 Coney Island Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11230 New York-Manhattan K’hal Adas Jeshurun (Breuer’s) Rabbi Moshe Zvi Edelstein (212) 923-3582 85-93 Bennett Ave, New York, NY 10033 Orthodox Jewish Congregations (OU) Rabbi Menachem Genack (212) 613-8241 11 Broadway New York, NY 10004 New York-Queens Vaad HaRabonim of Queens (718) 454-3529 185-08 Union Turnpike, Suite 109 Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 New York-Long Island Vaad Harabanim of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway Rabbi Yosef Eisen (516) 569-4536 597A Willow Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 New York-Upstate Vaad HaKashrus of Buffalo Rabbi Moshe Taub (716) 634-3990 3940 Harlem Rd. Amherst, NY 14226 The Association for Reliable Kashrus Rabbi Shlomo Ullman (516) 239-5306 104 Cumberland Place Lawrence, NY 11559 Rabbi Mordechai Ungar 845-354-6632 18 N. Roosevelt Ave. New Square, NY 10977 Bais Ben Zion Kosher Certification Rabbi Zushe Blech (845) 364-5376 30 Mariner Way Monsey, NY 10952 Vaad Hakashrus of Mechon L’Hoyroa Rabbi Y. Tauber (845) 425-9565 ext. 101 168 Maple Ave. Monsey, NY 10952 Rabbi Avraham Zvi Glick (845) 425-3178 34 Brewer Road Monsey, NY 10952 Rabbi Yitzchok Lebovitz (845) 434-3060 P.O. Box 939 Woodridge, NY 12789 New Square Kashrus Council Rabbi C.M. Wagshall (845) 354-5120 21 Truman Ave. New Square, NY 10977 Vaad Hakashruth of the Capital District 518-789-1530 877 Madison Ave. Albany, NY 12208 Rabbi Menachem Meir Weissmandel (845) 352-1807 1 Park Lane Monsey, NY 10952 Ohio Cleveland Kosher Rabbi Shimon Gutman (440) 347-0264 3695 Severn Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 Pennsylvania Community Kashrus of Greater Philadelphia 215-871-5000 7505 Brookhaven Philadelphia, PA 19151 Texas Texas-K Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) Rabbi Sholem Fishbane (773) 465-3900 2701 W. Howard Chicago, IL 60645 Dallas Kosher Rabbi Sholey Klein (214) 739-6535 7800 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 Washington Vaad Harabanim of Greater Seattle (206) 760-0805 5100 South Dawson St. #102, Seattle, WA 98118 Wisconsin Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin Rabbi Benzion Twerski (414) 442-5730 3100 North 52nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 CANADA Kashrus Council of Canada (COR) Rabbi Mordechai Levin (416) 635-9550 4600 Bathurst St. #240, Toronto, Ontario M2R 3V2 Montreal Vaad Hair (MK) Rabbi Peretz Jaffe (514) 739-6363 6825 Decarie Blvd. Montreal, Quebec H3W3E4 Rabbinical Council of British Columbia Rabbi Avraham Feigelstak (604) 267-7002 1100-1200 West 73rd Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6P 6G5 A Service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council - Serving the World Back to Top INTERNATIONAL ARGENTINA Achdus Yisroel Rabbi Daniel Oppenheimer (5411) 4-961-9613 Moldes 2449 (1428) Buenos Aires Rabbi Yosef Feiglestock (5411) 4-961-9613 Ecuador 821 Buenos Aires Capital 1214 Argentina AUSTRALIA Melbourne Kashrut Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick (613) 9525-9895 81 Balaclava Road Caulfield Junction, Vic. 3161, Australia BELGIUM Machsike Hadass Jacob Jacobstraat 22 Antwerp 2018 Rabbi Eliyahu Shternbuch (323) 233-5567 BRAZIL Communidade Ortodoxa Israelita Kehillas Hachareidim Departmento de Kashrus Rabbi A.M. Iliovits (5511) 3082-1562 Rua Haddock Lobo 1091, S. Paulo SP CHINA HKK Kosher Certification Service Rabbi D. Zadok (852) 2540-8661 8-B Albron Court 99 Caine Road, Hong Kong ENGLAND Kedassia The Joint Kashrus Committee of England Mr. Yitzchok Feldman (44208) 802-6226 140 Stamford Hill London N16 6QT Machzikei Hadas Manchester Rabbi M.M. Schneebalg (44161) 792-1313 17 Northumberland St. Salford M7FH Gateshead Kashrus Authority Rabbi Elazer Lieberman (44191) 477-1598 180 Bewick Road Gateshead NE8 1UF FRANCE Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg (Chief Orthodox Rav of Paris) (3314) 887-4903 10 Rue Pavee, Paris 75004 Adas Yereim of Paris Rabbi Y.D. Frankfurter (3314) 246-3647 10 Rue Cadet, 9e (Metro Cadet), Paris 75009 Kehal Yeraim of Paris Rabbi I Katz 33-153-012644 13 Rue Pave Paris, France 75004 ISRAEL Badatz Mehadrin Rabbi Avraham Rubin (9728) 939-0816 10 Rechov Miriam Mizrachi 6th floor, Room 18 Rechovot, Israel 76106 Rabanut Hareishit Rechovot 2 Goldberg St. Rechovot, 76106 Beis Din Tzedek of Agudas Israel Moetzes Hakashrus Rabbi Zvi Geffner (9722) 538-4999 2 Press St. Jerusalem Beis Din Tzedek of the Eidah Hachareidis of Jerusalem Rabbi Naftali Halberstam (9722) 624-6935 Binyanei Zupnick 26A Rechov Strauss Jerusalem Beis Din Tzedek of K’hal Machzikei Hadas - Maareches Hakashrus (9722) 538-5832 P.O. Box 41109 Jerusalem 91410 Chug Chasam Sofer Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern (9723) 618-8596 18 Maimon St. Bnei Brak 51273 Rabbi Moshe Landau (9723) 618-2647 Bnei Brak Rabbi Mordechai Seckbach (9728) 974-4410 Noda Biyauda St. 5/2 Modiin Illit PHILIPPINES Far East Kashrut Rabbi Haim Talmid 312-528-7078 Makati Philippines SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town Bais Din Rabbi D Maizels (2721) 461-6310 191 Buitenkant St. Cape Town 8001 SWITZERLAND Beth Din Adas Jeshurun Rabbi Pinchus Padwa (411) 201-6746 Freigulstrasse 37 8002 Zurich Jewish Community and Central Synagogue Kiev Rabbi B. Bleich (38044) 463-7087 29 Shekavizkaya Str. Kiev VENEZUELA Union Israelita de Caracus Rabbi Chaim Raitport (528212) 552-8222 Avenida Marques del Toro #9 San Bernadina Caracas 1011 האלמין אהרן טייטלבוים aaronteitelbaum aaron teitelbaum aronteitelbaum aron teitelbaum satmar סאטמאר סטמר holmin rabbi shalom y. gross shalom j. gross shalom gross shalom juda gross shalom yehudah gross שלום יהודה גרוס שלום יהודה גראסס שלום יודא גראסס האדמו"ר מהאלמין הרב מהאלמין מגן שאול אבדק"ק האלמין אב"ד האלמין ראב